Emotional Fishes are Emotional

Emotional Fishes are Emotional

Following my research with Pafish and subsequent development of Cufish, I decided to create the Emofishes (Emotional Fishes) project.

I had created a pull request seeking to integrate Cufish into Pafish, but after a short exchange of ideas with Alberto (Pafish maintainer), it was decided that Cufish was better fit in its own project. Since I’m still doing research in virtualized malware execution environments, it is likely that other tools and proof concepts will be published so I decided to create this new project that will contain all the code of tools and proof of concepts I will develop over time.

All code is licensed under GPLv3 and can be easily compiled with MinGW. As an example to compile Cufish:

2# If compiling in Windows systems
3make -f Makefile.win
5# If cross-compiling in Linux systems for a 32 bits Windows
6make -f Makefile.linux-32
8# If cross-compiling in Linux systems for a 64 bits Windows, not always available
9make -f Makefile.linux-64

Under the dist directory there are compiled versions ready to be executed. All art present on the project (fishes images) and in the post banner image is courtesy of Fasticon Design.